About Me


About Me

A bit about me… I grew up in Yardley, a small town in Pennsylvania. At the time, there were many cornfields and cows. Boredom was a popular sport. I lived in a red, brick house on Queens Drive with my mom, dad, two older brothers who picked on me regularly as a kid (less so as a grown-up) and dogs (first Missy and later Sam). My childhood was a happy one with many laughs, family dinners and crooked birthday cakes.

I love writing for children, but I didn’t take a direct path to that career. I weaved and bobbed through many unique opportunities on my way to becoming a writer. I studied psychology at Boston University and got my JD at Georgetown University School of Law. I was a ride operator at Sesame Place, spent time working in a furniture store, was a messenger, law library assistant, legal author, litigator, legal research and writing professor and college essay adviser.

Not long after my writing began, I got the first sign that, indeed, this was the right path for me.

bazookajoeI opened a piece of Bazooka Joe gum and wrapped around my sugary, pink delight was a fortune that read, “You have the ability to become outstanding in literature.” Now I am a dedicated Bazooka gum fan and have read many fortunes over the years, but never had I nor have I since received a fortune such as that. I keep my fortune tacked next to my desk in my office.


ely_familyIn my office is also my writing companion, my puppy beagle named Lucy, who sleeps at my feet dreaming about when I will take a break from the computer and take her for a walk.

In my home in Massachusetts is also my awesome husband and two amazing sons who are tall, often bearded and away at college. Over the years, the family list has also included a pygmy hedgehog, gerbils, a hamster, fish and a few other dogs.  Other than Lucy and my 4’6” 101-year-old gram (who rocks), I’m officially the shortest in my family.

Some other fun tidbits about me. I have an affinity for words and phrases that make me sound a bit like my gram (or so I’ve been told). A few of my favorites – pickle (as in, I’m in a pickle), hullaballoo, and cockeyed. I love a good book, crossword puzzles, the color green, the seasons (fall in particular), and a great pair of boots.

I’m represented by Tricia Lawrence of Erin Murphy Literary Agency

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