Same Page by Elly Swartz

Coming January 2025 – Same Page

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Same Page by Elly Swartz
Same Page by Elly Swartz

Praise for Same Page

“As I read Same Page, I said to myself multiple times: “I wish I were Bess’s librarian. I’m proud of her for standing up for the rights of readers. I’m grateful she cares so deeply and passionately about story and advocates for libraries, librarians, and readers. Thank you for being a Book Warrior, Bess!” 
–John Schu, teacher-librarian and New York Times best-selling author of Louder Than Hunger

“Same Page is a powerful, heartfelt story of a brave girl’s campaign against book-banning and other forms of intolerance. Once again, Elly Swartz has written a beautifully crafted novel that readers will find both relatable and inspiring.” 
–Barbara Dee, author of Tear This Down and Unstuck  

“A timely, and relevant story readers will enjoy and learn from.”
 –Becky Calzada, Co-Founder TX FReadom Fighters
Do you love #FirstChapterFriday? Click to hear Elly read the 1st chapter of Give and Take.