The importance of Mom’s Day, for me, like for many other Moms, is two-fold. First, a tribute to my mom. A woman I’ve always aspired to be like (yes, even as a teen, I wanted to be like my mom). She was a very cool woman. She was smart, fun, loving and, without a doubt, in her heart, always a mom first. She died 13 years ago and there is not a day that passes that I’m not eternally grateful that she was my role model, my friend and my mom. Lucky me.
Second, a tribute to my sons. My teen sons, Josh and Greg, make me the luckiest mom. I love being a mom. I relish remembering the days when they were little, filled with numerous trips to the farm, walks at the reservoir, ball in the backyard, boogies on the wall (now that’s a funny story for another blog), and the first time they said, ‘I love you, Mom.’ Now, I delight in being a mom of teens, watching movies, rooting on the Red Sox, Celtics and Patriots (you don’t grow up with 2 brothers and have 2 sons and not spend much time watching sports), being a passenger in the car, listening to new (and curious) music, and simply hanging together. I truly am the proud mom of 2 awesome sons.
And, finally on the Mom’s Day, I send a huge thanks out to my husband, James. There is no better role model for our 2 boys. He is my knight in shining armor.
So, to all the moms reading this blog…a very Happy Mom’s Day!