I should have known when I was 10 and couldn’t roll my tongue that my skill set did not include cool body tricks. While I can’t make noises with my armpits (not unhappy about that one) or make flowers out of my tongue, my son Greg can do it all. Somewhere along our gene pool, he got the cool body trick gene and it was not from me. By far, however, his coolest trick is his ability to lick his elbow. A feat most cannot accomplish. Very tricky indeed. Just try it. Go on. I’m waiting. Don’t be shy….See, impossible. If you can do it, consider yourself one of the select few.
Another exploit I marvelled at was when I saw a performer in Faneuil Hall dislocate his limbs in such a way that he, a grown man, could put his entire body through the head of a tennis racquet!!!
Since the most acrobatic feat I can master is touching my toes, I guess the universe is telling me to keep writing.
Book tip: After Chains, the next book on my list is Marcelo in the Real World. Heard great things about it. I’ll keep you posted.