while you are waiting


Wait. Wait. Wait. It’s an inevitable part of the writing process, and life, I suppose. But for me, as an impatient gal, waiting never comes easy. I’m currently on sub for my book FINDING PERFECT. I have written, rewritten, reimagined, revised, and revised again, and now I wait for Molly, Bridgette, and Hannah to find a home. They’re ready to put an address on the door and move off of 81/2 x 11 stark white computer paper. The moving van awaits!


My waiting strategies: write a new book (new ideas are a great distraction), revise an old story, and write something non-fiction. Check. Check. Check. All are being done as I type and wait. Next strategy: move my youngest son into college. Check. That task is also complete (a few more tissues needed). Finally, read a new book. My choice, Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell. Check. And, exercise. Check.


If, however, my dog Oscar could learn to meditate, and then somehow manage to teach me, that may open up another entirely new waiting strategy.


What do you do while you wait? As you can see, I’m open to suggestions.


Book suggestion: Ascendance Trilogy by Jennifer Nielsen. Book 3, The Shadow Throne, just came out! Start reading now!

About the author

5 Responses
  1. I am also on submission. I am also reading Eleanor&Park. There is no easy answer to this. One thing I never do is start a new idea from scratch. It’s too slow going and I am too tortured by the wait to think well, so I usually revise. Hang in there, and if you need sympathy, write me. Your son went to college!!! Ahhhh, chin up Elly.

  2. Elly

    You are so sweet! Good strategy to focus on revision. Waiting is distracting. And annoying. And did I say annoying : ) As for my son going to school, he is my youngest, so now I am a full fledged empty nester! So exciting and so heartbreaking all at the same time. Happy for my boys, for me and my husband, but miss the joy of the 4 of us in the house, together. Onward! I have declared this the year of YES, so I’ve got to get to it. Good luck with your submission. Will I see you at the retreat? If so should I bring Twizzlers? wine? both : )

  3. Love this post, Elly. Boy can I relate. You’re doing exactly what we should all do during crazy-making wait cycles. Write, revise, live life, rinse-repeat. Soon, your book will be acquired and a whole new kind of wait-cycle will begin.

  4. Sadly, no. It was a hard call. It took too long and was too expensive to get to Vermont from California. Now that your kids are off, I will wish you a great year of YES. I expect to hear your shout all the way over here.

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